The original car’s alarm systems why so expensive? New set alarm systems will better?
The original car’s alarm system usually is branded alarm system, like Cobra, Meta, Wheels and etc. Those branded system let says, Meta Systems are using Keeloq system and their own encryption key making an unique hopping code, coding change by each transmit/ press, and unpredictable. Receiver won’t accept each code twice. Using scanning tools also need 10 years to calculate the correct code, Means people can't easily duplicate their remote control.

If u really feel original alarm system are useless, no good at all and need to reinstalled another set alarms system, I hope you find an expert wiring technical, and I need remains you, their will cut some of your car’s wire to install new alarm system. After original wire had been cut, you may lose your car warranty.

A have some real story need share to all of you.
I have a friend using Nissan Fairlady, I cost him a price to duplicate a remote key, and he feel expensive and then find ACC shop help him install another alarm system, ACC don't have experience indirectly makes his ECU burn / spoil, second hand ECU cost around Rm4000? Who will pay this?
Another case, Honda accord cobra system, Original remote quite expensive, the alarms link to your car ECU can't bypass whole alarm systems, ACC shop normally suggest you add-on another alarm set, and that mean your car have 2set alarm system. It is not an good idea, If u using add-on alarm systems, sometimes will affect the original alarm systems and activate it and sirens shout loudly, the only way is using original remote to disabled alarm. Useless and waste money.
Toyota Vios, cobra system, this system can using touch key or remote either one to disabled alarms system, if not the car won't start. This system very hard to bypass, need to dismantle whole dashboard in order to bypass it. Normally their will help you add-on another alarm system, after that ask you deactivate by touch key. Lastly you still need using touch key deactivate alarm system, and then just can start your car. Useless too.

For security side, the original alarm system, normally are branded high quality alarm systems, it will Including many feature, for example level sensor for towing, ultrasonic sensor for movement, backup battery for siren, hot wire protect and etc. Those branded systems usually won't let you deactivate easily by press a switch, their need special pin code or transponders to deactivate it in order to protect the car for thief. The branded systems normally will costs Rm3000 above.
How about add-on alarm set? Rm300++ with installation???
If your car worth RM80k, and only use Rm300 alarm system, is this enough?
Those add-on alarms normally will easy to duplicate. You still feel safe to giving key to car wash? Low cost design, without QC, batteries drain fast, and life time around 2-3 years maximum, don't have any spare part can repair it. Worth? Original remote key normally have provides casing or remote add-on, Battery life around 1 year, life time around 10 years, which one better?